Adult Ed. will be offering Summer Enrichment classes beginning June 10th and running through August 16th on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Aerobics class will run from 8:00 am-8:45 am on these days.
The Cardio Room and Weight Room will be available from 8:00 am-11:00 am these days. (Wednesday night availability is possible if enough interest) The fee for this is $50.00 for the Summer. To register, please call Lisa Rush at 365-4218 or email her at
4 months ago, Liza Ryan
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS IN STACYVILLE, MT CHASE, SHERMAN AND PATTEN! Each budget warrant article will be voted on, as well as an in-depth presentation of the proposed project to upgrade the 50-year-old ventilation system in the schools. Contact the central office for more information 365-4272.
4 months ago, Heather Hale
Please see the attached posting for Interim Superintendent of RSU 89 Schools for the 2024-2025 school year. Please get in touch with the central office with any questions. 207-365-4272
The last Snack and Paint of the year was a success!
4 months ago, Liza Ryan
Katahdin Elementary Physical Education Teacher
5 months ago, Deven Lester
Save the date! The KES Farm & Sea to School team invites you to visit our Spring Expo and Community Meal on May 30th. Stop by for to check out the seed swap and enjoy a complimentary meal prepared with fresh, local ingredients. After dinner, head on over to KMHS and catch the latest production from the KMHS Drama Club!
The students of Katahdin Elementary School invite you to join us for the ANNUAL KES VARIETY SHOW, hosted by the After School Program!
5 months ago, Reba Heath
Notice that Special Education records of students born in 1997 will be destroyed after June 1, 2024. If a student would like to request their records, please notify the Central office before June 1, 2024 - 207-365-4272 ext. 272
5 months ago, Heather Hale
Good afternoon, Here are the important dates for the month of May and June at KMHS!
5 months ago, Lori Soucy
Adult Ed. is hosting a Paint and Snack on Wednesday, May 8th at 5:30pm at KMHS. This will be the last one of the 2023-2024 school year. Please call 365-4218 to sign up.
5 months ago, Liza Ryan
Agenda for Board Meeting on April 25, 2024
5 months ago, Deven Lester
Katahdin Elementary After School Program invites families to an exciting evening of STEM activities hosted by the CHALLENGER LEARNING CENTER! Please call the main office (207-365-4285) to RSVP!