This past weekend three young ladies from KHS took a weekend excursion to Boston on a college touring trip, with kids from six other schools across northern Maine. This trip was packed full of fun and educational things to do and see, some of which included, touring two colleges, seeing a Boston Celtics game at TD gardens, visiting the New England Aquarium, getting to eat at Quincy Market, and many more exciting things. We are so glad our students had the opportunity to experience this trip, and we want to thank our TRIO teacher Ken for planning this trip. TRIO is a federal outreach program aimed to support students and provide services as they make their way into college and careers.
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
The Bio 100 students dissected dogfish sharks as part of the lab portion of their class. The students located organs and learned about that anatomy of this organism. Hands on , real world learning at KMHS!
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Bio 100 students were asked to dissect a fetal pig for their midterm exam. They labeled organs and blood vessels and then compared the anatomy of the pig to that of a human. An example of a comparison might be the number of lobes of a human liver compared to that of the fetal pig.
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Teachers at KMHS a spent the afternoon learning more about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). We learned that one in four students have 4 or more barriers to participating or attending to their own education. This training helps staff understand some of these barriers and what it may look like in students. Thanks to the KMHS Leadership Team who put on the training today. Thanks to Penny and Kathy who fed everyone homemade soups and chowder along with sandwiches. Thanks to Mrs. Rush who keeps us pointed in a healthy direction. Each day we spend together talking, learning and planning benefits your students and we appreciate this time.
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Miss Birmingham's first grade students spent time outdoors learning more about sound, a part of their science curriculum. The list pictured here are their responses to the question, "What are sounds of silence in nature?" #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 1
High school drama class enjoyed time in the auditorium today as they acted out improv creativity. This was a comedy improv titled Hitchhiker. Students were seated in rows like on a bus. One student acted like a hitchhiker and put their thumb out for a ride. The hitchhiker was the the strong character and each student took a turn. There were lots of laughter and colorful dialogue. FUN
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Outdoor Fun in PreK~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong #outdoorlearning
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Reminder - This Wednesday, 1/26 is an Early Release Day for students - 11:15 dismissal~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Katahdin Schools Weekly Update~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Update from Katahdin Schools~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Katahdin Schools Update~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Katahdin Schools Weekly Update~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Grade 4 students work on tree identification during our first Adventure Friday of the school year! Thanks to Friends of Katahdin Woods & Waters and Education Director, Kala Rush, for continuing this partnership with KES~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong #outdoorlearning
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Adventure Friday
Adventure Friday
Adventure Friday
Katahdin Schools Update~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Please see the attached agenda for the school committee meeting on Thursday, January 20, 2022. Please contact me with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
Please see the attached job opportunities for the 2021-2022 school year. As always we are continually looking for substitutes and spare bus drivers as well.
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
Please share your thoughts on the survey below. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Going Along with the last post about Cougar Fest, here are the awesome class members who volunteered to help work on their classes house while their classmates cheered them on from the stand!
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
KMHS Christmas coffee 2021 events and winners! For the Christmas season, we held class competitions and activities for each class to participate in and earn points towards the upcoming Cougar Fest in March. The activities of that week included having a gingerbread house-making competition, a two-minute-long pre-planned skit, decorating a poster with a matching tree, and theme days each day. The winners of those activities are as follows, Gingerbread houses, first- Freshman second- Seniors third- Juniors fourth- Sophomores. Theme day points are added up according to how many dressed up, so the total point were, Juniors with 20, Freshman with 15 seniors with 12, and freshmen with 8. Points for the skit were handed out to any skit that met all the required criteria and was over two minutes, Freshmen, Juniors, and Seniors all received 10 points. Lastly, our next upcoming event is Cougar fest on March 4th, there is a sign-up sheet in the office for anyone who would like to participate on the cougar fest planning committee, the booster booth will be open on March 4th as well, and class colors for that day are Seniors - black, Juniors - Red, Sophomores - Blue and Freshman - white.
about 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Update from Katahdin Schools~
about 3 years ago, Marie Robinson