Family Trail Night cont'd~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
Family Trail Night
***PUBLIC NOTICE*** Notice of Record Removal Special Education records of KMHS students born in 1995 will be destroyed starting 6/1/22. If a student born during this time desires these records, please contact Sue Brooks at 365-4272 prior to 6/1/22.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Hale
KES Garden Volunteer Day! #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
garden volunteer day
Katahdin Middle/High School ranks in the top 10!! Hear ye, Hear ye…. We have GREAT news to share!!! On April 26th, the Portland Press Journal reported that Katahdin Middle/High School made the top 10!! The U.S. News list ranked more than 17,800 public high schools across the nation, including 113 in Maine. The rankings are based on college readiness, reading and math proficiency and performance, underserved student performance, college leave course offerings and graduation rates. Please read the full article. You can find the link below. There certainly are a lot of variables but we should celebrate this recognition, the students and staff that make it happen. When you are tired of us talking about real world experiences, connections, standards, etc…this is where we are headed…straight to opportunity and success for all students now and in the future. Our goal is to provide the tools and resources students need to make solid decisions, learn from mistakes, and use it all to guide them as lifelong learners. Go Katahdin Middle /High School ….. where staff guide students investigating connections between learning and life! So proud of everyone!! link
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
KES students assisting with mulching our fruit tree orchard planted with ReTree during recess~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
kids mulching
Mrs. Evans rockin' Decade Day~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Decade Day
KES students enjoyed our Welcome Back from April Break learning activities and theme days last week~ #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
capture the flag
nature art
A number of middle school and high school students have been nominated as “Most Improved” for this school year. They are seen here with their Portland Seadog ticket for a game on May 28 th. Parents can purchase additional tickets for family and friends for a very reasonable cost. Well done everyone!!
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
More portraits…. Very talented students. Great project and thank you Mrs. Lutz for stepping in while Mrs. Howes is out.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
More portraits ….
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Here are the portraits. Chuck Close inspired gridded self portraits. Included with this portrait is a “Note to Self”- a reflection on their lives so far or thoughts for the future.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Katahdin Schools Weekly Focus~
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
The winners of the autism raffle are as follows…. Car Care: Zack Lane Katahdin Pack: Leslie Gardner Dog Care: Maggie O'hara Gift Cards: Seth Hannigan Scentsy: Holly Glidden We will keep you posted on the total that will be sent to the Autism Society of Maine once we have it all. Process from Friday’s booster booth will be added in too. Thanks to the Students who helped with this project.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
March 14th was National “Write Your Story Day.” Middle school students honored this event by writing their own stories using a technology platform called padlet. Everyone has a story to tell. It has been a part of our human existence from the beginning of time. One of the best ways to pass on our major life events to posterity is to document them. This autobiographical project gave students the opportunity to celebrate their uniqueness that they all possess, that distinguishing factor that sets them all apart—their story.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
In April 14&15 students conducted Student Led Conference with their parents and guardians. During this time students shared evidence of the six guiding principles explaining along the way how and why pieces of work demonstrate the principles. Our attendance was exceptional! 9 HS need to complete the process and 6 MS students need to meet. There are a number of reasons why they are important to participate in and we appreciate everyone adjusting plans to make this happen. The picture below is a MS student waking mom though his slideshow presentation. We’ll done everyone!!
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Katahdin's NHS members wore blue on Wednesday in support of Central Aroostook's NHS chapter, who recently lost a recent graduate who was a former NHS member. Condolences go out to the family and friends of this young woman.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
Adult Ed as the next paint and Snack May 11th at 5:30 pm. Please call school to get your name on the list.
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Lane
KES Family Trail Night May4th from 5:30-7. Please return forms by Friday if you plan to attend. #wearekatahdin #katahdinstrong
almost 3 years ago, Marie Robinson
Family Trail Night
There is a school committee meeting on 5/3/22. Please see the agenda.
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Anderson