The 1st Maine Farm to Sea to School Institute was held from August 16-18 in Saco. The goal of the institute is to support school district teams in developing a plan to create community connections and partnerships with local farmers/fishermen to support our school nutrition program.
Katahdin Schools staff, Reba Heath (KES Principal), Denise Tapley (Food Service Director), Gail Pocock, (Restorative Practices Coordinator) and FoodCorp Service Member, Gabrielle Brown participated in the institute. The plan will be rolled out this year with a goal of increasing the locally grown food that our school children eat on a regular basis.
Food and nutrition are key components of effective learning and home grown, fresh fruits and vegetables provide high quality ingredients that can be incorporated into our breakfast and lunch menus.
Thanks to the team for attending this first of its kind institute in Maine and we look forward to providing even more high quality foods for our children!